Engineering Equation Solver (EES) Installation (Prepared by D. E. Richards ---- 16 August 2002) (Revised ----- 31 December 2004) RESTRICTIONS --- Use of this program is restricted to the following groups at Rose-Hulman: ... All ME undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty members. ... Any ECE faculty member teaching an ES course (See D. E. Richards to obtain program). ... Any student registered for an ME or ES course. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS --- Follow the instructions below to install EES for Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 or XP on your computer. Files can be found on \\tibia\public\Course Software\EES. STEP 1 --- Procedure for Running setup_ees.exe depends on your operating system. If you are just updating an existing EES version, running setup_ees.exe will just update the appropriate files in your current \EES32 folder. For Windows 95 and 98..........Run setup_ees.exe from tibia and install the program in the Personal Directory on your hard drive. (The installation program will create a new folder \EES32 for the EES program.) If you are installing this on a RH laptop, you may receive an error unless you change the default directory to something other than the root directory. The advantage of installing EES in your Personal directory is that EES will automatically be backed up when you back up the Personal directory. If you install EES in a Programs directory you will possibly have to reload EES unless you routinely back up the Programs directory. For Windows 2000 or XP..........Run Setup_EES.exe from tibia as the LocalMgr and install the program in your \My Documents folder, i.e. C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\My Documents. (The installation program will create a new folder \EES32 for the EES program.) There are two ways to do this: (1) Right click on the Setup_EES.exe icon and use the "Run As ..." option to install the program with the LocalMgr permissions OR, (2) Log-off of your computer and log on as LocalMgr. If you install EES without being logged in as LocalMgr, you can only open EES files (files with the .ees extension) from within the EES program (no file association is created for files with the .ees extension). STEP 2 --- Copy the file Ees.dft into the folder where the EES.exe program file resides. Failure to copy the Ees.dft file will lock the EES.exe program and prevent its use. (If you are just updating EES by installing a new version AND you have not run your current version of EES since 31 August you will not need to copy the Ees.dft file. Should you receive an "expiration date" error upon running your new version. Copy the Ees.dft file from EES folder on \\tibia\public\Course Software\EES.) STEP 3 --- Obtaining the EES Manual (Optional but recommended.) The latest EES manual is stored as an "exe" file that will expand into a PDF file when executed . To obtain the manual, run EES_manual.exe from tibia and place the EES manual (EES_manual.pdf) in the EES directory where you installed the EES program and the Ees.dft file. (The new version of EES has a direct link to the manual that will only work if the manual and EES.exe program are in the same folder.) KNOWN PROBLEMS WITH EES INSTALLATIONS A.....EES toolbar disappears.....Some old versions of Windows have a bug that causes the EES toolbar to disappear. If this happens, go to the F-Chart Software web page (, under EES and EES Goodies, and download the file 401comupd.exe. (This file is also found on tibia). Run this program to update the Windows file comctl32.dll. B.....Installation error referring to KERNEL32.DLL.....If an error occurs at the end of the installation process (while EES is starting) with a reference to KERNEL32.DLL the problem may be caused by an outdated video driver. To determine if this is the problem, download a copy of the EES demo from If this demo program installs and runs, then, in all likelihood the video driver for your computer needs to be updated. Go either to the computer manufacturer or the video driver manufacturer and download the latest video driver. If this does not cure the problem, please send an e-mail to explaining the problem. FOR ADDITIONAL EES INFORMATION & FREEBIES visit the EES homepage: Enjoy! For Questions / Comments / Concerns please contact Prof. Don Richards Moench C-101 --- 877-8477 --- Campus Mail 160 Modified by Prof. Calvin Lui on December 8, 2005.