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HW11 solution
(20 points) We wish to add a variant of the lw (load word) instruction, which increments the index register after loading the word from memory. This instruction (l_inc) corresponds to the following two instructions:
lw rd, L(rs1)
addi rs1, rs1, 4
Add any necessary datapaths and control signals to the single-cycle datapath of Figure 4.21, on page 277.
- Write the RTL for this new instruction. It may be helpful to review the RTL on the course website.
The RTL for this instruction might look something like:
PC = PC+4
inst = Mem[PC]
a = Reg[ inst[19:15] ]
incremented = a + 4
result = a + SE( inst[31:20] )
memOut = Mem[ result ]
Reg[ inst[11:7] ] = memOut
Reg[ inst[19:15] ] = incremented
- Adjust the datapth figure (attached) to execute your RTL.
The best solution to this problem is to add a new write capabilities to the register file. The new register file will have a new write address port (5 bits) and a new write data port (32 bits).
This necessitates a new RegWrite signal, so we will have RegWrite1 for the normal data and
RegWrite2 for the new ports.
This control signal should only be enabled for the new l_inc
Additionally, a new adder must be added to support the increment by 4 operation.
This adder takes as input the output of the register file's first read port and a constant 4.
The output is routed to the new write data port on the register file.
Finally, the wires for rs1
(inst[19:15]) need to routed to the register file's new write address port.
- Provide an updated set of control signals for the new instruction. You may add signals to this table as necessary.
Instruction name | ALUSrc | ALUOp | MemtoReg | RegWrite | MemRead | MemWrite | RegWrite2 |
l_inc | 1 | 00 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Modify this figure for your instruction.