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View All : Main > Topics > AC Circuits > Frequency Response > Bandreject Filter
diagram_thumbnail Problem 1

Derive the expression for H(s)=Vo/Vi. What type of filter is it? Find ω0, ωc1, ωc2, Q and β.

AC Circuits > Frequency Response > Bandreject Filter
Length: 6:53    Date Added: 2007-07-26 10:33:07    Filename: ac_freq_passivebrf_ex1_eng    ID: 326
diagram_thumbnail Problem 2

A radio receptor is often disrupted by 8 kHz whistle. Design a "whistle-stop" filter that has a bandwidth of 1 kHz and uses 33 nF capacitor.

b) The previous example is ideal and will completely eliminate the 8 kHz whistle. However, circuits are not ideal so let’s assume that the inductor has 2 Ω resistance and the source has 50 Ω resistance. If the filter specification calls for -18 dB, will the specification be met?

AC Circuits > Frequency Response > Bandreject Filter
Length: 8:02    Date Added: 2007-07-27 13:13:02    Filename: ac_freq_passivebrf_ex2_eng    ID: 390
diagram_thumbnail Problem 3

a) Determine H(s)=Vout/Vin for the circuit in the figure.

b) What is the maximum magnitude of the transfer function?

c) What is the minimum magnitude of the transfer function?

d) What type of filter is it?

AC Circuits > Frequency Response > Bandreject Filter
Length: 10:13    Date Added: 2007-07-27 13:15:20    Filename: ac_freq_passivebrf_ex3_eng    ID: 391