Lab 00 -- C Review


It is crucial for this class that you have a solid foundation in C programming, as it is the most widely used language for systems programming (though now facing a relatively decent challenge from Rust). Therefore, we have prepared a set of practice problems for you to solve and refresh your memory when it comes to C programming concepts, as well as introduce some minor new concepts like making system calls and parsing command line arguments.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the lab assignment, you should be able to:

  • Implement basic pointer manipulation operations in C.
  • Implement basic structures and structure creation/manipulation operations.
  • Compile and boot the xv6 operating system.
  • Implement standard Unix utilities in the xv6 operating system.

The xv6 Operating System

xv6 is a simple operating system, created by MIT faculty and students, to serve as a teaching tool for operating systems classes. xv6 is based on Dennis Ritchie’s and Ken Thompson’s Unix Version 6 (v6), and is implemented in C to run on a multi-core RISC-V (virtual) machine.

One of the main features of xv6 is that its code is very readable for an operating system. The accompanying book is a great resource to understand how a basic operating system functions, handles system calls, interrupts, memory management, etc. In this class, we will use xv6 as a toy operating system to implement several tools and features that we discuss in class.

Startup: Building xv6

Let’s first start by compiling and booting the xv6 operating system. All of the source code for this lab is part of the csse332-labs repository, though on a different branch. Please follow the instructions below carefully to make sure you are working on the right stuff.

Getting the source code

If you have not done so yet, please make sure that you have set up your class labs repository by following the appropriate instructions.

Now that you are in the right repository, first make sure you are on the main branch:

  (csse332-labs) $ git branch

This will show all your local branches. Make sure that the one that is starred is called main.

If you are not on the main branch, then do:

  (csse332-labs) $ git checkout main
  Switched to branch 'main'
  Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

If your branch is not up to date with origin/main, then use a git pull to get the latest updates from your local main branch.

Switching to clab

The starter code for this lab is found in the upstream/clab branch of the class repository. We need to fetch those changes from the upstream, create our local solution branch, and then we can start working.

First, fetch the updates from upstream using:

  (csse332-labs) $ git fetch upstream

Then, make sure that you can see this lab’s branch:

  (csse332-labs) $ git branch -a
  * main
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main

You might see other branches there, depending on when you do this, but make sure that remotes/upstream/clab shows up.

Now, let’s checkout that clab branch and create a local one to write our solution to:

  (csse332-labs) $ git checkout -b clab_solution upstream/clab
  branch 'clab_solution' set up to track 'upstream/clab'.
  Switched to a new branch 'clab_solution'

Finally, update your local branch’s push location to your own repository:

  (csse332-labs) $ git push --set-upstream origin clab_solution
  Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
  remote: Create a pull request for 'clab_solution' on GitHub by visiting:
   * [new branch]      clab_solution -> clab_solution
  branch 'clab_solution' set up to track 'origin/clab_solution'.

Now, you are ready to get started on this lab. Happy hacking ❗

Booting xv6

In all of what follows, we assume that you are working off of the xv6-riscv directory in your csse332-labs-user repository, i.e., always do:

  $ cd xv6-riscv/

Now we are ready to compile xv6 and launch qemu to boot into a virtual machine that is running the xv6 operating system. From the root directory of the cloned source code, compile and launch qemu using

  make qemu

On my machine, I had the following output, your output should match mine and you should drop into a shell in the qemu machine.

  $ make qemu
  >> Lots of compilation outputs, should be no warnings and no errors <<
  xv6 kernel is booting

  hart 2 starting
  hart 1 starting
  init: starting sh

If you get to this point, you are ready to roll. Try to play around in the xv6 shell and then when you are ready to exit, press <ctrl - a> then x, i.e., hold the control key, then press a, then release both keys and press x.


If you get an error about missing packages, most likely is that you did not install the packages listed in the instructions here (step 2).
Check that.

If the compilation fails but the packages seem right, make sure to record any error messages your received. Before contacting your instructor, make sure you record the versions of all of the tools that are needed to compile xv6. You can get those version by running the following commands:

  1. Your kernel version:
      $ uname -r
  2. You qemu system version:
      $ qemu-system-riscv64 --version
      QEMU emulator version 4.2.1 (Debian 1:4.2-3ubuntu6.18)
      Copyright (c) 2003-2019 Fabrice Bellard and the QEMU Project developers
  3. Your RISC-V cross compiler version:
      $ riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc --version
      riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0
      Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

Once you have the above information, make a public post on the Moodle forum and include all the information above plus any error messages that came up during compilation. One of the instructors or TAs will get back to you as soon as possible.


There are four sets of exercises in this lab, that range in difficulty from straightforward to medium. Since this is a review lab, there will be no really challenging tasks. Expect those to show in the following labs.


The first set of exercises you will solve are warmup exercises that are fairly easy and straightforward to solve. Checkout the code in user/warmup.c for instructions on how to solve these problems. The source code in warmup.c contains test cases that will help you test your code and debug in the case of a failed implementation.

To run the warmup code, you can use the following instructions:

  1. Compile the xv6 source code using
      $ make qemu
  2. In the xv6 shell, issue the warmup command using
      $ warmup
  • Note that running warmup without any arguments will run all of the test cases. To run a specific test case, you can use warmup <num> when <num> is an integer that corresponds to the test case you want to run. Check out the main function in warmup.c for the mapping between numbers and test cases.

  • Note that failed assertions in the test cases written will cause your program to fail.

Running the grading script

To double check your work, you can run the grading script (assuming you have python3 installed) from your Linux shell (not the xv6 shell):

  $ ./ warmup


The next set of exercises will have you implement an array list data structure in C in the xv6 operating system. Recall that an array list doubles in size every time it runs out of space. We have already defined a structure that contains the elements needed to implement an array list in the arraylist structure as follows:

  struct arraylist {
    int size;
    int capacity;
    int *list;

where size is the current size of the list (i.e., the total number of elements currently in the array list), capacity is the maximum size of the array list, and list is the actual list in memory that contains the elements.

  1. The first function you are to implement is the al_new function, which takes no arguments and returns a new array list structure initialized to a size of 0, a capacity of DEF_ARRAY_LIST_CAPACITY, and an array of size capacity allocated in memory (It is okay if the allocated memory area contains garbage data, you do not need to initialize it).

    To allocate memory in C, you will find the function malloc to be very useful.

  2. The second function you are to implement is the al_free function, which takes a pointer to an array list structure and frees that array list. Note that you must also free the inner list in case it exists.

    To free memory in C, you will find the function free to be very useful.

  3. The next function to implement is the al_get_at function. It takes as input a pointer to an array list structure and a position pos. It returns the element in the list at the position pos. If such an element does not exists, then the function returns the hex constant 0xffffffff.

  4. Next, implement the al_resize function. It accepts as input a pointer to an array list structure and resizes the inner array to double its size. Note that you do not have access to the realloc routine, you must implement that yourself.

    Make sure to have no memory leaks, you will lose points if you do!

  5. Finally, implement the al_append function that accepts a pointer to an array list structure and a value val. It then inserts val at the end of the list. If the list is full, it then calls al_resize to make room for val and then inserts it into the list.

  6. For your convenience, we have implemented al_print to print an array list. Use that to print your list for debugging purposes.


To test your code, after each step, launch the xv6 machine and then issue the arraylist command:

  $ arraylist

Note that the numbers between the parenthesis correspond to the line numbers in your code. So if an assertion fails, you can go to that specific line number and check which test has failed.

As you implement more functions, more tests will pass. At the end, you should see something that looks like the following:

  $ arraylist
  main(174): OK.
  main(175): OK.
  main(176): OK.
  main(181): OK.
  main(182): OK.
  main(185): OK.
  main(186): OK.
  main(187): OK.
  main(192): OK.
  main(193): OK.
  main(197): OK.
  main(198): OK.
  main(201): OK.
  main(202): OK.
  main(203): OK.
  main(204): OK.
  main(205): OK.

Running the grading script

To double check your work, run the grading script from your Linux terminal (not your xv6 terminal), using:

  $ ./ arraylist
  make: 'kernel/kernel' is up to date.
  == Test arraylist, all == arraylist, all: OK (1.5s)

Implementing sleep

Before getting started, skim through Chapter 1 of the xv6 book; it serves as a good introduction to the operating system and its interface.

The goal of this exercise is to implement the UNIX utility sleep, which causes the current terminal to pause for a user-specified number of ticks. In xv6, a tick is defined as the time between two interrupts from the qemu timer chip. For example, if I issue the command sleep 10 from the terminal, the whole terminal would pause until 10 ticks have passed. You can examine the behavior of sleep in your current Linux terminal by typing man sleep.

All user utilities in xv6 will go into the user/ directory. In there you will find examples of other utilities, such as ls, grep, mkdir, rm, etc. Examining the code behind some of those utilities will prove to be of immense help in this lab.

Implementation plan

Please note that throughout this lab, you do not have access to the regular C routines defined in libc, such as those defined in stdio.h, stdlib.h, and string.h for example. All the routines available to you are defined in user/user.h.

Here’s a list of steps and requirements that will help you implement the sleep utility in xv6:

  • We have created a file named sleep.c for you in the user/ directory.
    • The sleep.c file includes the necessary header files and has an empty main function for you to fill out.
  • In main(int argc, char **argv), argc is the argument count and argv is the argument vector. Recall that argv[0] is always the name of the program being run, so always argc >= 1.
  • If the user forgets to pass an argument, your program should output an error message and instruct the user on proper usage of the utility.
  • Command line arguments are passed as strings, you can use atoi to convert a string into an integer. Checkout user/lib.c for more information about the available libc routines.
  • Use the system call sleep.
    • Take a look at user/user.h to see the definition of sleep that is callable from user-space.
    • If you want to take a look at the actual system call, then examine kernel/sysproc.c and look for sys_sleep.
  • Make sure that your program calls exit() in order to exit your program.

Building and testing

We have already added the sleep binary to the list of targets to compile by the Makefile so you do not need to change anything there.

Compile xv6 and launch into the qemu emulator using

  $ make qemu

then run your sleep program from the xv6 shell:

  $ sleep 10
  ### Nothing happens for 10 ticks ###

Running the grading script

To double check your work, you can run the python grading script (assuming you have python3 installed):

  $ ./ sleep

Implementing find

The goal of this exercise is to implement the UNIX find program, which, given a file name, finds all the files in a certain directory (and its sub-directories) that match that file name.

For example, consider a directory a/ that contains a file called b and then another directory called c/ that contains another file called b as well. Then launching the find command from the a directory will return both ./b and ./c/b as results.

  $ cd a/
  $ find . b

Implementation plan

Since we are exploring directories and sub-directories, expect your solution to be recursive. Also, recall that we are dealing with C strings, so == does not compare strings, rather it compares their pointers. To compare strings in C, use the routine strcmp.

For inspiration to get started, take a look at user/ls.c to see how to read files and directories.

Here are a couple of hints and observations:

  • You might find the system call fstat and the utility routine stat useful.
  • Running fstat on a file will fill out a struct stat structure, which contains a lot of useful information about the file/directory. You can find the definition of the struct stat below and in kernel/stat.h

      #define T_DIR     1   // Directory
      #define T_FILE    2   // File
      #define T_DEVICE  3   // Device
      struct stat {
          int dev;     // File system's disk device
          uint ino;    // Inode number
          short type;  // Type of file
          short nlink; // Number of links to file
          uint64 size; // Size of file in bytes
  • Use recursion to descend into sub-directories, but do not recurse into . and ..
  • A directory is nothing but a file that contains a bunch of directory entries, or dentries. In xv6, they are represented as struct dirent structures.
  • Remember to \0 terminate your strings before using the strlen routine.

Building and testing

Compile xv6 using make qemu from your terminal, and then, from the xv6 shell:

  $ echo > b
  $ mkdir a
  $ echo > a/b
  $ find . b

Running the grading script

To double check your work, you can run the python grading script using:

  $ ./ find

Running the full grading script

Once you are done implementing all the above programs, run the grading script using

  $ make grade

from your Linux terminal (not your xv6 terminal window).

Submitting your code

From the Linux terminal, issue the command (make sure you are in the xv6-riscv directory in your repository):

  ./ <username>

and replace <username> with your RHIT username (without the < and >). For example, for me, that would be:

  ./ noureddi

If you get a message saying that you don’t have permission to run ./, then issue the following command first

  chmod +x ./

Here’s the output as it shows up on my end:

  Cleaning up xv6 directory...
  Process started: writing temporaries to /tmp/a8998c31a141924d06220074fcdc6925.txt
  Found the following modified files:
  Creating the submission zip file.
    adding: user/arraylist.c (deflated 64%)
    adding: user/find.c (deflated 30%)
    adding: user/sleep.c (deflated 19%)
    adding: user/warmup.c (deflated 63%)
 has been created.
     Please submit THIS FILE AND THIS FILE ONLY to Gradescope.

This will generate a single file called (for me, it would be That is all you need to upload to Gradescope.

Submission Checklist

  • My code compiles and generates the right executables.
  • I ran make grade to double check the test cases for all of my code.
  • I ran the submission script to generate my zip file.
  • I submitted the zip file to Gradescope.


Check out this assignment’s grading page for more information.

This page was last edited by Mohammad Noureddine on Sat 25 Nov 2023. If you notice any typos or inaccuracies, please open a GitHub issue on this repository.