System Call Implementation Activity


In this activity, you will be adding a new system call to the xv6 kernel to facilitate the implementation of the miniature version of Unix utility ps. ps is a utility that allows you to get information about the processes currently running in your system (you can try it out on your own terminal window and check its man page). However, process information usually require inquiring with the operating system about the name, process id, and state of each running process - thus we’d need to add a system call to support it (that’s not exactly how ps works in real-life, but we’ll just assume so).

Learning objectives

At the end of this activity, you should be able to:

  1. Add a system call that would read process information and store it in a data structure.

  2. Read arguments to a system call in xv6.

  3. Have the kernel write to a user’s piece of memory through a system call.

Getting the source code

For this activity, we will need to mess around with the code for the xv6 kernel. So before you start this activity, please make sure that all of your code for your labs is pushed to your own private repo, otherwise, we might risk mixing things up and losing your progress.

Backing up your lab code

First commit and push all of your changes to your repo. You can do so using:

$ git commit -am "saving progress"
$ git push

Getting on the right branch

First, switch to the main branch to get everything back in order, to do so, use (recall, if your main branch’s name is master, use master)

$ git checkout main

Next, fetch the changes from our end using

$ git fetch upstream

Then, make sure that the branch syscall shows up

$ git branch -a 
* main

Then, get the syscall branch as follows:

$ git checkout -b syscall_sol upstream/syscall
branch 'syscall_sol' set up to track 'upstream/syscall'.
Switched to a new branch 'syscall_sol'

Finally, push the empty stub to your own repo using:

$ git push --set-upstream origin syscall_sol
Enumerating objects: 99, done.
Counting objects: 100% (99/99), done.
Delta compression using up to 56 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (80/80), done.
Writing objects: 100% (88/88), 3.15 MiB | 11.39 MiB/s, done.
Total 88 (delta 15), reused 19 (delta 2), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (15/15), completed with 11 local objects.
remote: Create a pull request for 'syscall_sol' on GitHub by visiting:
 * [new branch]      syscall_sol -> syscall_sol
branch 'syscall_sol' set up to track 'origin/syscall_sol'.

The Data Structure

First, open the file kernel/ps.h and check out the psstat structure. I have reproduced it here for reference:

struct psstat {
  int pid;
  int ppid;

  int state;
  int pstate;

  char name[MAX_PROC_NAME];
  char pname[MAX_PROC_NAME];

This structure is the main data structure that we’d like the kernel to help us fill out about a specific process. It contains the following fields:

  1. pid and ppid: the process and the parent process’s pids, respectively.

  2. state and pstate: the process and the parent process’ states, respectively.

  3. name and pname: the process and the parent process’ names, respectively.

Your task is then is to write a system call that given a process id, will find the information needed and fill out a struct psstat for that process, if any.


Before we begin, check out user/ps.c for usage information of the ps system call and struct psstat structure. Specifically, look for 56 which looks like the following (with some definitions pulled in):

struct psstat my_ps;
int pid;

/* ... */

if(ps(pid, &my_ps)) {
  printf("[ERROR] Problem running ps for pid = %d\n", pid);

You can see that the ps system call accepts two arguments:

  1. An int that is the process id to fetch information for.

  2. A struct psstat* pointer to a struct psstat that the kernel will fill for us with the appropriate information.

Feel free to skim the code before and after the system call to see the struct psstat in use.


Note that the code currently is set to ignore any use of the system call because it is not yet implemented (thus all the #ifdef and #ifndef you see). If you run it now, it will error out and do nothing.

Once you are done with the implementation, add the line:


right after the #includes in user/ps.c and then recompile xv6.

Adding the System Call

Let’s start adding the infrastructure for the system call. There are many places you should edit, so follow closely.

  1. Add the system call’s user API prototype. In user/user.h, you will need to add two things:

    • Add the line struct psstat; to the top of the file (right after the struct stat line). This is a forward declaration of the psstat structure since we are not including the file were it is defined here.

    • Add a prototype for the system call at the end of the system calls list:

      int ps(int, struct psstat*);
  2. Add a stub for the system call in user/ as follows:

  3. Give the system call a number under kernel/syscall.h as follows:

    #define SYS_ps 22

    Note that SYS must be capitalized.

  4. Append your system call to the list of calls in kernel/syscall.c as follows:

    static uint64 (*syscalls[])(void) = {
      /* ... Other stuff here */
      [SYS_ps]  sys_ps,

    Note that sys_ps is not capitalized!

  5. Also in kernel/syscall.c, add the signature of your system call to the list of externs:

    extern uint64 sys_ps(void);
  6. Next, move to kernel/defs.h and add the function call signature under the proc.c section of definitions (right around where fork and exec are):

    int ps(int, uint64);

Implementing the system call wrapper

All what we have done so far is to set up the following:

  1. The user issues the ps system call (thus calls ecall) and a trap to the kernel occurs.

  2. The kernel figures out that this is a system call trap, and then gets the system call number from the a7 register.

  3. The number in a7 will correspond to SYS_ps (or 22) that we have defined earlier.

  4. The kernel will lookup SYS_ps in the syscalls table and figure out it must call the sys_ps wrapper function.

We are now at the stage where we should implement the sys_ps wrapper, let’s go ahead and do that.

In kernel/sysproc.c, add the following function:

uint64 sys_ps(void)
  // TODO: add you code here...

What this wrapper should do is the following:

  1. Extract the arguments to the system call (where are they stored?).

  2. Call the actual implementation of the system call with the correct arguments.

Usually, the wrapper is only there to parse arguments. Logic and functionality is delegated to more specialized functions like the one we’ll implement soon.

Follow along with your instructor to complete this wrapper.

Implementing the ps logic

Finally, navigate to kernel/proc.c and implement the logic of fetching the process information. Here is a skeleton with some helper functions for you:

ps(int pid, uint64 addr)
  // get a pointer to the process that made the system call using myproc()
  struct proc *self = myproc();

  // a pointer to a process for iteration.
  struct proc *p;

  // the psstat struct to fill out
  struct psstat pinfo;

  // ind the process with pid = given pid
  // Use this loop to iterator over all processes
  for(p = proc; p < &proc[NPROC]; p++) {
    // skip over ones that are unused
    if(p->state == UNUSED)

    // TODO:
    //  Step 1: Find the process who's pid is the input pid.
    //  Step 2: Fill out the information about the process into the pinfo
    //          structure.

    //  Hint: Recall that you cannot assign strings to copy them in C.
    //  Hint: You can use safestrcpy to copy one string into another.
    //        safestrcpy(destination, source, length);

    //  Step 3: We do this for you so don't change this code.
    //          We need to copy the pinfo structure we fill out back to the
    //          user. We need to take extra care because we are the kernel.
    if(copyout(self->pagetable, addr, (char*)&pinfo, sizeof pinfo) < 0) {
      printf("Woaaaaa something very terrible happened!\n");
      return -1;

    //  Step 4: Return zero for success.


  // Step 5: What happens if we go through the entire loop and reach this line?
  //         Should this ever happen?


Once you are done with the implementation, you can use the ps utility we wrote initially (under user/ps.c) to test it out.

First, make sure you enable the ps calls by adding the line #define PS_SYSCALL_DONE 1 right after the #includes in user/ps.c.

Then compile xv6 using make qemu and once the shell drops, try to issue the ps command. Without any arguments, ps will pass the ID of the current process (i.e., the pid of ps itself) as the argument to the system call.

$ ps
***** Looking for process information for pid = 4
Process ps_test (4)
Process id:    4
Process name:  ps
Process state: RUNNING

Parent process id:    2
Parent process name:  sh
Parent process state: SLEEPING

We can see that the process ps has pid 4, it is currently RUNNING, and its parent is sh (the shell).

Let’s investigate the shell as well:

$ ps 2
***** Looking for process information for pid = 2
Process sh (2)
Process id:    2
Process name:  sh
Process state: SLEEPING

Parent process id:    1
Parent process name:  init
Parent process state: SLEEPING

We can see the sh is SLEEPING (think about why?) and that its parent is non other than init.

Fixing init

Now if you try to get information about init, you will see that things break with a kernel panic. Consider it your last task to fix ps to work for init (i.e., the process with pid 1) as well. The first question you ought to ask yourself, what’s unique about init that makes it so different that any other process? And why does that break the current version of ps?