Laundry List for PH 314 Final Exam, Fall 1999
- Show that the kinetic energy of a rigid body can be expressed
at the kinetic energy of the center of mass, plus the kinetic energy with
respect to the center of mass.
- 1-D problems with x, v, t
- coupled oscillations -
- set up equations of motion
- determine the frequencies of oscillation
- find ration of displacements
- Lagrange's equations
- Inertia tensor - be able to calculate components of I
from a given distribution of masses.
- Show that angular momentum is a constant of the motion
and using a sketch that L = 2m dA/dt
- integrate over an ellipsoid to get volume, moments, principal
moments of inertia
- Derive Euler's rigid body equations from dV/dt)fixed
= dV/dt)rot + omega x V
- Use Euler's rigid body equations to show that rigid body
motion about the intermediate axis is unstable (done in class and in book)
- coriolis force
- stability of circular motion in a force field f(r)
- frequency of oscillation near a potential minimum
- Given the lagrangian 1/2 mu (r-dot^2 + r theta-dot^2)
- write down lagrange's equations
- determine the constants of the motion
- write down the energy in terms of an 'effective potential
- series expansions