The Thirty-ninth Annual
Rose-Hulman High-school Mathematics Contest
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Mathematics Contest takes place annually on the second Saturday in November. The thirty-eighth contest took place Saturday, November 13, 2004.
Some pictures are now available.
This year's top finishers were
The 2004 class winners were
| Freshman | Sophomore | Junior | Senior |
1. | Carmel 271 | Park Tudor 298 | Terre Haute South 335 | Indiana Academy 326 |
2. | Terre Haute South 248 | Terre Haute South 282 | Carmel 287 | Terre Haute South 319 |
3. | Park Tudor 196 | Carmel 271 | Urbana 271 | Cathedral 294 |
Top scoring individuals were
Senior Junior
1. Scott Pollom 100 Cathedral Charles Tam 100 Indiana Academy
2. Rosemary Luo 95 Terre Haute South Tiffany Ko 94 Terre Haute South
Fan Huang 94 Urbana
3. David Benjamin 94 Honey Creek Kate Goeller 90 Terre Haute South
Nan Lin 90 Ben Davis
4. Mason Smith 90 Indiana Academy Daniel Fox 89 Terre Haute South
5. Aaron Dinkledine 88 KASH Jessica Ranucci 82 Park Tudor
6. James Powell 83 Terre Haute South Fernanda Mendes 80 Urbana
7. Aviad Rubinstein 82 Bloomington South Peter Kim Carmel
Joshua Hutchins Carmel
David Tidd Carmel
8. Aaron Hershberger Hamilton Southeastern Eric Seo Champaign Central
Jessica Ji Terre Haute South
9. Matt McCrea Indiana Academy Luke Xie Carmel
10. Greg Pelkie Terre Haute North Fletcher Heisler Park Tudor
Charles Hutjens Champaign Central
11. David Yust Indiana Academy Jack Zhang Indiana Academy
12. Brandon George Chang Lee
Congratulations to
Rosemary Luo and James Powell
who earned individual awards for the fourth time.
Sophomore Freshman
1. Michael Harris 100 Park Tudor E.G. Wright 85 Terre Haute South
2. Susan Hu 94 Terre Haute South Kristina Thorne 79 Honey Creek
3. Andy Chen Carmel Nathan Benjamin Honey Creek
Sachin Shinde Honey Creek
Matthew Croop North Central
4. Emily Zhou Terre Haute South Pardha Ponugoti Honey Creek
5. Stephen Wolf Hamilton Southeastern Tyler Zou Carmel
6. Artem Rogachev Urban Nolan Skochdople Honey Creek
7. Hao Yang Carmel Zingping Shen Carmel
8. Ravi Parikh Park Tudor Raj Bhuptani Honey Creek
9. David Li Carmel John Zhong Carmel
10. Kentaro Matsuoka Park Tudor Andrew Huh Honey Creek
Sean O'Banyel Arsenal Tech
Yu Chen Terre Haute South
11. Junghyun Wee Urbana Peter Duong Terre Haute South
Alex Scherer Park Tudor Tom Schroeder Park Tudor
12. Kenneth Kang Carmel John Gorrell Terre Haute South
This year there were more than 400 students from 20+ schools registered for the contest.
The schools competing this year were:
Arsenal Tech, Ben Davis, Bloomington South,
Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School, Broad Ripple,
Carmel, Castle, Cathedral, Champaign Central, Greenfield Central, Hamilton Southeastern, Honey Creek Middle School, the Kokomo Area Schools at Home (KASH),
Indianapolis Lutheran, Indianapolis North Central, Iowa City West, North Newton,
Park Tudor,
The Sycamore School,
Terre Haute North, Terre Haute South, and Urbana.
A summary of the scoring for this year's contest:
Top Score 85 100 100 100
Twelfth Place 60 61 69 74
WTHI 10 story about the contest
Terre Haute Tribune-Star story
For more information about the contest, please send e-mail to