Exam 3 Laundry List
know that pV^gamma = constant for an adiabatic process
know what gamma means
know that Cp - Cv = R for an ideal gas
be able to calculate gamma for a monatomic gas, and a different gamma
for a diatomic gas
Be able to calculate entropy changes from dS = dQrev/T
know that efficiency of an engine is work done/ heat in
I won't ask about refrigerators
be able to show for a carnot cycle Qh/Th = Qc/Tc where the Q's are taken
to be positive even though Qc is heat removed at the colder temperature
identify the four parts of a carnot cycle
be able to show that eff(carnot) = 1-Tc/Th
pp. 555-558 examples are worth going over
ideal gas cycles for heat in, work done, or whatever (prob 14, p. 561 is
an example)
be able to give one of the second law statements on p. 540
know how much momentum is transferred to a wall when struck elastically
by a particle of mass m velocity v and angle theta to the normal to the
wall surface
know how to calculate mean free path, given density and particle radii
be able to state and use the equipartition of energy theorem
be able to say what class of materials the Dulong-Petit rule applies to
be able to show that certain data fits (at least approximately) the DP
be able to show from the equipartition of energy theorem how the DP rule
is obtained.
for a small set of distinguishable coins, be able to enumerate the macrostates
and microstates
for a small set of q energy units and N distinguishable HOs be able to
write down the microstates
for a boltzmann distribution (in contact with a reservoir at temperature
T), be able to calculate the ratio of the probability of being in state
A vs the probability of being in state B, given energies Ea and Eb.
for a HO with equally-spaced energy levels, show from Boltzmann statistics
that P(n+1)/P(n) = exp(-E/(kT)), where E is the energy unit of the
be able to identify three physical situations where boltzmann statistics
come into play