Introductory Physics Laboratory (MJM)

Oscilloscope Activities in PH 112 lab (MJM sections)

Error Analysis (simple rules and examples for handling errors)

Important Items (how my lab sections run, what is important to me)

M. J. Moloney CL-109 (by the stairway halfway down from the mailboxes toward the labs)
Office: 877-8302    Home: 466-1328

Here are items important to me in the style of the report:

A. Report readily conveys what was done in lab
(reader does not have to guess or fill in gaps)

B. Apparatus sketch(es) shows and labels all essentials (helps explain the measurements)

C. Data values identified as to units, trials, who took the data, equipment used to measure, etc. (reader does not have to wonder)

D. Report is coherently organized (reader doesn't have to struggle with missing items or items out of place. If an item is out of place there should be a reference to where it is located)

E. Calculations are easy to follow (easy to see what various calculations mean, easy to tell all values used in calculations, easy to see if calculated experimental results agree with theory. Proper sample calculations help with this; see below).

Other important items.