Wind Chimes Project Information
During the first and second weeks of Spring Quarter 1999,
interested Rose students will design, make parts for, and assemble a set
of wind chimes.
This involves most of the activities below
- Deciding what frequencies are desired
- Using information below to cut steel conduit to length
for that frequency
- Testing the sound frequency and quality (FFT program
and by ear)
- Drilling holes to support the pipe
- Experimenting with 'striker' materials for quality of
sound produced
- Making a top support to hang the pipes from, or some
other form of mount for the pipes
- Making a 'sail' and 'striker'
- Modifying the pipes or design if not satisfactory
- Having an informal contest for 'wind chime bragging rights'
Here are some facts about frequencies in bars of circular
(conduit is hollow pipe, a special case of a cylindrically shaped bar)
- longitudinal waves (down and back) travel at the bulk
wave speed (V~5105 m/s for steel conduit)
- measuring bar length and the lowest longitudinal
frequency lets you calculate V.
- for wind chimes, one wants the transverse frequencies,
given as follows
- k=2 Pi/wavelength, and for the lowest resonant bar frequency,
k = 1.000375 3/2 Pi/Length
- frequency f = k^2 V kappa/(2 Pi) , and kappa is given
- kappa = radius/2 for a solid bar, and is 1/2 sqrt(Ri^2+Ro^2)
for a hollow pipe (Ri, Ro are radii)
- for the lowest transverse bar frequency, the nodes are
0.225 of the length from each end
- this is theoretically where one would want to support
the bar so energy is not lost through the support
Here is a maple file which calculates frequency based
on bar length for 3/4" steel conduit : pipes.mws
Here is a maple file which calculates frequencies on the
musical scale : scales.mws
is a How-To wind chime web page by Jim Kirkpatrick, kindly supplied
by Buckner Creel