Joshua Brandon Holden
Department of Mathematics | E-mail: | |
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology | | |
5500 Wabash Avenue | Web page: | |
Terre Haute, IN 47803-3999 | |
Member of Mathematical Association of America (MAA), Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM).
Used Eric Mazur's ``Peer Instruction'' and other collaborative learning techniques.
Teaching techniques used include ``Peer Instruction'', collaborative techniques, computer algebra system labs, graphing calculator labs, written projects, computer algebra system demonstrations, and reflective activities.
Teaching techniques used include ``Peer Instruction'', collaborative techniques, computer algebra system labs, and computer algebra system demonstrations.
Teaching techniques used include ``Peer Instruction'', collaborative learning techniques, written projects, computer demonstrations, and reflective activities.
Teaching techniques used include ``Peer Instruction'', collaborative learning techniques, computer labs, and computer demonstrations.
Teaching techniques used include ``Peer Instruction'', collaborative learning techniques, computer labs, and computer demonstrations.
Used Maple labs and demonstrations, and writing, programming, and student research projects.
Integrated writing, computer programming, and student research projects (written and/or oral) into the syllabus, as well as discussions of current research.
Roughly half the course lecture-based, half based on student presentations on various topics. Student written projects included answers to questions from other students.
Integrated writing, computer programming, and student research projects into the syllabus, as well as discussions of current research.
Developed curriculum for and taught new course.
Integrated student research projects (written and oral) into the syllabus, as well as discussions of current research.
Developed curriculum for and team-taught course in cooperation with Prof. David Mutchler of the RHIT Computer Science Department.
Integrated writing, computer programming, and student research projects and presentations into the syllabus, as well as discussions of current research.
Topic for Spring 2005 was -adic numbers. Developed
curriculum for and taught course.
Topic for Spring 2009 and Spring 2014 was quantum computing. Developed curriculum for and taught course.
Integrated discussions of current research into the syllabus.
Topic for Winter 2005-2006 was Galois Theory. Developed curriculum for and taught course. Also taught Winter 2010-2011.
Topic for Winter 2011-2012 was Quadratic Field Cryptography. Developed curriculum for and taught course.
Integrated frequent student presentations of material into the syllabus, as well as discussions of current research.
Centered syllabus around classroom discussions, oral presentations, and written papers.
Developed curriculum for and team-taught new course in cooperation with Prof. Kim Plofker of the Brown History of Mathematics Department.
Used ``historically informed'' pedagogy to teach calculus. Included student term papers as well as problem sets.
Supervised independent study.
Developed curriculum for and taught new course.
Seminar-style introduction to the techniques of modern cryptography and the impact on society of their widespread use. Included student short essays and term papers as well as problem sets and computer experience. Guest lecturers also used.
Responsible for coordinating student attendance and talks at department seminar. Worked with students to develop 50 minute-long mathematical talks and supervised their presentation.
Student-driven presentation of solutions to contest-type problems. Incorporated written and oral presentations and team contests.
Supervised senior theses in number theory for Mathematics and Computer Science and Software Engineering Departments.
Supervised independent study.
Supervised independent study.
Developed curriculum for and taught new course.
An intensive three-week, 45-hour interdisciplinary course introducing students to the techniques of modern cryptography and the impact on society of their widespread use. Included student short essays and class discussion as well as problem sets and computer experience.
Topic was the Mathematics of Secret Messages. Developed curriculum for and taught new course.
An intensive three-week, 45-hour general education course introducing students to the mathematics behind classical and modern cryptography. Also included some discussion on the impact on society of the use of cryptography and digital communications. Included class discussions and a term paper as well as problem sets and computer experience.
Supervised independent study.
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Ross Moore,
Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.
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