In this applet, you place control points to create a polynomial curve by
de Casteljau's algorithm. This is a generalization of the method
to construct a parabola using three points as P(t) = (1-t)2
P0 + 2t(1-t) P1 + t2
P2. The t slider illustrates the construction
of the curve by de Casteljau's algorithm, constructing specific
points p01(t), p11(t),
p02(t) to construct a parabola. This will
be explained in full detail next week.
- Create a parabolic segment. How does each point effect the
shape of the curve? [Move one point, and examine the change
of the curve.]
- For what values of t does the first control point P0
have an affect on the shape of the curve?
- For what values of t do the other control points have
am affect on the shape of the curve?