In this applet, you place control points to create a polynomial curve by
de Casteljau's algorithm. The t slider illustrates the construction
of the curve by de Casteljau's algorithm.
Create a cubic curve. How much does each control point effect
the shape of the curve?
Create an inventory of cubic curve shapes. How do the relative
positions of the control points affect the shape of the curve.
How many "different" shapes can you create with a
single cubic curve?
For what values of t does the first control point p0
have an affect on the shape of the curve?
For what values of t do the other control points have
an affect on the shape of the curve?
Can you use the intermediate points in de Casteljau's algorithm
to determine the tangent line to the curve at a point? What
about the derivative of c(t)?
Play with de Casteljau's algorithm. Create some higher order
curves and repeat the above exercises.