Cubic B-Spline Applet
DIRECTIONS: In this applet, you create a cubic B-Spline by specifying
control points pi with i=0,1,2, ..., n and a knot-sequence
uj with j=0,1,2,...,m. The number of knots is related to the
number of control points by m=n+4. The curve c(t) is defined on the interval
u3 < t < um-3, and given by
c(t) = Σ Ni3 pi
With the basis functions defined iteratively by the relation
Nik+1(t) = ((t-ui)/(ui+k - ui))
Nik(t) + ((ui+k+1-t)/(ui+k+1-ui+1))
with Ni0 = 1 when ui < t < ui+1 and 0 otherwise.
B-Splines are a generalization of Bezier curves and have many of the same properties
but the knot sequence allows one to shape the curve and interpolation properties of
the curve at specific points. The applet original chooses after every point to reset t
the knots to be equally spaced apart on the interval 0 < t < 1.