Course Goals and Topics
- Introduce the mathematical essentials of image processing, in particular,
vector and matrix models of signals and images, filtering and convolution,
and the essential notion of a "transform," such as the Fourier, discrete cosine transform, windowed
Fourier transforms.
- Introduce filter banks and the discrete wavelet transform, and the concept of "localization."
- Apply mathematical methods and computational tools (e.g., Matlab) to solve problems in image processing, in particular
data and image compression.
- Improve problem solving and modeling skills.
- Improve your abilities with regard to mathematical abstraction.
- Give additional experiences in mathematical writing and technical writing.
Intellectual Honesty and Academic Integrity
- Exams: For in-class exams your work must be your own, of course, using only the authorized resources stated on the exam cover page. For any take-home exams you must also work individually, and ask for help or clarification only from me! As with in-class exams, use only the resources that are authorized on the exam cover page.
- Homework: You are expected/encouraged to collaborate with other students, but when the time comes to write up the homework solutions you should be able to do this on your own with complete understanding.
- If you did cooperate significantly with one or more other students please indicate this on the front page of the homework set, problem by problem if necessary, e.g., "I worked with "student A" on problems 3 and 5", "student B" on problem 14".
- Do not share "canned" computer files for solving the homework, e.g., if "student A" writes an elaborate Maple worksheet that solves a given homework problem, he/she should not give it to others so they can blindly push buttons and get answers! (I try not assign such problems).
- If you can't solve a given problem, just say so. It's OK.
- If you're not sure about whether what you're doing for the course is in accordance with the above, ask me!
- Look at the Mathematics Department's Academic Integrity Policy.
Course Work Guidelines
- Check the course web page frequently! All homework will be posted there, as well as additional
study info and resources.
- Homework is due at 5 pm on the due date. One day late is automatic half credit, after that zero!
- Homework should be written up neatly (even TeXed if you know how) and all pages stapled.
- Make sure it's clear what your answer is, box or highlight it when appropriate.
- If you miss class YOU are responsible for learning the material you missed. Although you can ask me specific questions about the material (see "Office Hours" below),
you cannot ask me to repeat the class for you personally---I have too many students for this to be feasible.
- The final grade will be based on homework and projects.
Office Hours
- Come to office hours if you're confused!
- But please come somewhat prepared, having at least read the book and tried the problems. It's not very helpful if you come in and say "I don't understand anything we're doing."
- Once your questions are answered, do not sit in my office to finish your work---many other people probably want to see me.
- Coming by to talk about math not related to the course (just because it's interesting) is encouraged!
This page last updated September 1, 2019