Cybersecurity Minor

Student working on laptop computer

No matter your major at Rose, a minor in cybersecurity provides a strong foundation to meet future high-tech challenges and join a growing number of professionals securing the world’s future.

Cybersecurity - A Program for all Rose-Hulman Majors

With computers integrated into most products and services that engineers design today, it is important that engineers from all fields of study are prepared to create systems that are secure from cyberattacks. A minor in cybersecurity at Rose-Hulman will provide students with the opportunity to develop that capability.

Rose-Hulman's cybersecurity minor curriculum exposes students to the fundamental of securing computer and information systems, risk, ethics, technical controls, and adversarial thinking.

Several Rose-Hulman alumni have put their cybersecurity knowledge to work at well-known companies such as Microsoft, Meta, Google, Airbnb, Groupon and Salesforce, for government contractors like Northrup Grumman, and government agencies that work directly with the defense industry and companies that provide contracted cybersecurity support.

Information about course requirements is available in our Course Catalog.

sid stamm
Dr. Sid Stamm

Associate Professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering

Chemical and mechanical engineers, along with other STEM majors, should know how their designs are impacted by the computers that help automate the machines and critical infrastructure they build. This cybersecurity minor is intended to enrich the existing degree program of students in these programs, so that they understand the safety implications of whatever they engineer or study. We want to prepare them to make the things they engineer, by default, secure from cyberattacks and safe for people to use.

Cybersecurity @ Rose

Learn about the latest happenings in the cybersecurity minor program at Rose-Hulman.

There are four images, one of each speaker behind a lectern in a classroom.

Cybersecurity Seminar Series Brings Industry Experts to Campus

students look at their computer screens in class.

Rose-Hulman Adds Cybersecurity Minor for All Students

A group of students look at a computer screen.

Rose-Hulman Students, Faculty and Alumni Make an Impact in Cybersecurity

Headshot of Sid Stamm

Sid Stamm

Dr. Sid Stamm is an expert in computer security, web standards, and data privacy, and he was previously the lead architect and engineer on security and privacy for Mozilla where he designed many of the security features currently protecting you on web sites. Dr. Stamm helps students hone their cybersecurity skills through classes, interaction with leading industry professionals, and through extracurricular activities like the Computer Security Club, which has successfully competed in various cybersecurity competitions. 

Rose Hulman Campus Map.

Contact Us

Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
5500 Wabash Avenue
Terre Haute, IN 47803

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