A completed homework problem is a written communication from the student to his instructor. To help perform this communication clearly and concisely, the following format is required.

Cover Sheet: The cover sheet should contain the following:
Student name and box number
Course name, number, and section
Date due
Vertical list of all problems assigned

Header: Start each new problem on a fresh page. Each page of a given problem should contain the following information in a header across the top:
Course number and section letter
Problem number
Student name and box number
Assignment page number

Given: State the information given in clear, concise, mathematical terms.

Determine: Indicate the physical/mathematical quantities to be determined.

Solution: Carry out the solution in logical order. Use engineering tools for drawings; freehand drawings are unacceptable. Do not include every detail of a problem solution, only enough to make the logic understandable. Substitute numerical values only as the last (or intermediate) part of the solution. Emphasize your answer by double underlining it or by blocking it in.

Miscellaneous Items:
Use standard sized (81/2 x 11) unlined or engineering paper.
Write on one side only.
Start each problem on a new page.
Use soft, dark, sharp pencil only. Do not use ink.
Use engineering lettering throughout.
Use engineering tools for drawings. No free hand sketches.
Staple the pages of each homework set in the upper left corner.

This graphic shows an example homework problem with acceptable format click on the graphic to see an enlarged version

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