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Edwards LifeSciences

 Research Projects

Faculty who have frequently worked with summer research students in the past:
Bruce Allison (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Ric Anthony (ABBE)
Mark Brandt (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Rebecca DeVasher (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Glen Livesay (ABBE)
Scott McClellan (Chemical Engineering)
Daniel Morris (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Jennifer O'Connor (ABBE)
Renee Rogge (ABBE)
Justin Shearer (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Yosi Shibberu (Mathematics)
Scott Small (ABBE)
Luanne Tilstra (Chemistry & Biochemistry)
Ross Weatherman (Chemistry & Biochemistry)

Students interested in summer research should contact faculty members with whom they are interested in working, and discuss research opportunities with them.

Further Information and Contacts
Contact Dr. Coppinger (x8591) or Dr. Brandt (x8406) for further information.

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