Animating the Monkey and Hunter
up the time to be incremented as indicated in the pulse animation instructions.
These might go as follows
Put labels in C3, C4
and C5 for g, dt, and t. Insert these names
for cells D3, D4,
and D5.
Put titles in F2 and I2 for bullet and monkey
Put labels in E3..E6 for the bullet as indicated,
then insert names in F3..F6.
Put values in F3 and F4.
In F5, type '=vox*t' and in F6
type '=voy*t-0.5*g*t^2' .
Now make a graph, initially incorrect, by dragging over F4 and F5
and going to the chart wizard
When the graph is up, put the mouse over one data point and right-click.
Then select Source Data
You want the x data to run from F5 to F5,
and the y data to run from F6 to F6
When you have made this correction you should have a single point on the
Now when you press F9 the the time will increment and the point will move
on the graph.
[If not, check Tools/Options/Calculate make sure you are set up
for automatic iteration (1).]
You will probably
want to make the graph axes non-automatic (otherwise the graph gets jumpy
as the scales readjust on the fly).
To do this, put the mouse over one of the numbers on the x-axis and
Select Format Axis, then from the top tabs select Scale.
Unclick all the x-axis values so they are not automatic.
Change any values (max, min, or others) which are unsuitable.
This makes the x-axis scale fixed, and you can then do the same for the
In order to reset the time close to zero, in cell D6
type '=t+dt' .
You can put 0 in cell D5 (the time, t), iterate
once then drag D6 onto D5,
effectively resetting the time within one dt.
Now when you press F9 you should find the 'animated' bullet following its
proper path
For the monkey you need another column, and a separate 'series'.
To make the bullet and monkey look different, put the mouse on the bullet
and right-click.
Then select Format Data Series, and choose the style and size for
the bullet symbol.
Then do the same for adjusting the monkey symbol